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Message from the chairperson

General Insurance Rating Organization of Japan (GIROJ), established on the basis of the Act on Non-Life Insurance Rating Organizations with the aim of facilitating the sound development of the general insurance business and protecting the interests of policyholders, etc. is the only insurance rating organization in Japan. Our main operations are the calculation and provision of reference loss cost rates and standard full rates. We also conduct claim surveys for compulsory automobile liability insurance (CALI) as part of our rate calculation operations.

For general insurance closely related to people’s everyday lives, such as automobile, fire and personal accident insurance, it is essential to ensure the provision of stable insurance through fair premium rates from both social and public perspectives. To this end, GIROJ collects large amounts of insurance data from our member insurance companies, etc. and calculates appropriate reference loss cost rates and standard full rates based on highly accurate statistics.

The role of automobile insurance from the viewpoint of automobile accident victim relief is also very important and fair and prompt payment of insurance claims is strongly required, particularly in the case of compulsory automobile liability insurance. Accordingly, GIROJ conducts claim surveys with “fairness, promptness, and kindness” as our motto and we strive to improve our operations based on users’ opinions.

In addition, GIROJ acts as a databank, providing the data and survey results we obtain through our operations to our member insurance companies and society at large. We also engage in international activities, deepening exchange with foreign countries and conducting exchanges of information.

Going forward, GIROJ will continue to strive through all operations to fulfill our social mission of protecting the interests of policyholders, etc. and contributing to the sound development of the general insurance business.

Shinichiro Hayakawa